Workshop; Portfolio Prep; Pop Culture

Lab: Period 1

Workshop option: If you have a piece ready for perusal, please share your piece (probably through Google docs) to up to 3 other classmates. Fill out one of the workshop forms and turn this in at the end of the session. This option will be available through next week as well. You may select me if you wish as one of your reviewers. See below for details.
Peer Writer: If you select a peer to help you revise and workshop a piece, please be clear about what kind of feedback you are seeking. Share our piece with this person or people in Google Docs. Please note that peers are not required to give you feedback, but if they do, it acts as credit for them. Keep track of your drafts. You will need to show how you improved a piece by printing out the workshopped draft (or early drafts) and the revised draft. This is easy to do in Google docs. If you don't know how to access your document's history, please ask me. 
Peer Reviewer: If you have been selected to review a peer's work, please insert comments into the google document. You will get credit for the reviewing that you do that is at 12th grade Creative Writing level. In other words, we expect you to give some insightful commentary on any peer's work if requested. You have up to a week to provide your feedback for credit. You may alert the peer writer whose work you are reviewing that you are currently writing something yourself, and will get back to them as time permits.
Writing Option: Please continue working on your writing projects. See previous posts for details.

Portfolio requirements for MP3:

  • Critical Evaluation essay draft (of Brave New World or A Clockwork Orange)
  • A draft of your dystopian short story (script, etc.)
  • A synthesis creative nonfiction draft involving The Manchurian Candidate & other sources (this can also be a fiction draft inspired by the sources you read, if you wish)
  • Any other drafts you have been writing/revising
  • NOTE: a works cited page is necessary for any essay that uses online or text source material!
  • All newer drafts should be placed on top of older drafts when collecting work in the portfolio. It is best if the old draft is the one I commented on or a peer has commented on.

Popular Culture Presentation/Setting for a Story Project:

Choose from:
  • 1800-1850
  • 1851-1889
  • 1890-1900
  • 1900-1910
  • 1910-1920
  • 1920-1930
  • 1930-1940
  • 1940-1950
  • 1950-1960
  • 1960-1970
  • 1970-1980
  • 1980-1990
  • 1990-2000
  • 2001-2010
IMPORTANT NOTE: Pop culture is a collection of collective thoughts, trends, and images that are/were recognizable by a mainstream population. Common categories of popular culture include technology, entertainment (tv, movies, music), personalities/celebrities, sports, news, politics, and fashion. When you research your decade pay close attention to these categories. We want to know what was popular during the decade. This will shift from year to year, so focus on those things (events, leisure activities, entertainments, fashions) that span more than a single popular moment or year. In some cases these popular trends continue to our present day. Look for these things in particular and focus on them. 

To help your research check out these websites:
You will be expected to research this time period in order to:
1. Present some of your findings to the class (not everything you research is necessary to include in your presentation to the class!)
2. Set a fictional script, story, or creative non-fiction piece in your decade (as historical fiction, for example) or use your research to inform your creative genius to combine details in flavorful ways. 


Video Reflection: What's the problem with the media? Watch the video and respond in writing, then in voice.
Article Reflection: Read the article & respond creatively in your notes/journal. Then we'll discuss.

Jennifer Government: Discussion of Part One.

HOMEWORK: Complete part two & three of Jennifer Government for Tuesday. Begin preparing your portfolio.


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