
Showing posts from March, 2009

Basic Elements of Islam

Basic Beliefs of Islam 1. Allah, is the only God, and Muhammad is his prophet. 2. Prophets and Messengers: While Muhammad is the sole prophet in Islam, the religion recognizes many of the prophets from Judaism and Christianity, such as Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and others. Whereas Jesus is thought to be the final prophet for Christianity, Muhammad is God's last prophet according to Islam. As most prophets, Muhammad is chosen by Allah to deliver his message to humankind. 3. The Guidance from Allah & the Qur'an: Muhammad left behind the Word of Allah, the Qur'an, and his teachings, Hadith, were collected by his companions (similar to Christianity's disciples). The Qur'an and the Hadith are the textual sources of Islamic teachings. The Qur'an (or Koran) is equivalent in importance to the Christian Bible or the Jewish Talmud . 4. The Angels: Thought to be beings of purity and light, the angels do Allah's bidding. Taken from Judaism and Christianity, th

Albert Camus

Please research Albert Camus. 1. Jot down a few notes about his life and biography. 2. In your own words explain Camus' view on Absurdity . 3. In your own words explain Camus' view on Solidarity . 4. Who was Sisyphus and how might this myth be a good example of absurdity? 5. Explain Existentialism. 6. How might The Stranger be considered an example of existentialism? What is Camus' point about the meaning of our lives? 7. What are some basic principals, movements or themes of existentialism? 8. Who said "God is dead." 9. Who said "Hell is other people." 10. Choose a quote from Albert Camus and use this somehow in your writing (either as an epigram or perhaps as a starting point for a story/poem/essay/script.) By the way, the link on the right also has a plethora of other existential ideas. Peruse and use any of these topics to help you create writing. By the way, you CAN also use the photographs on this page inspirationally, perhaps in your poetry, etc.