Popular Culture: Leisure & Games


Trash Culture: Please complete/turn in your homework from last class. Use the printout if you cannot access the website. See details below this post.

In the lab, use your time to workshop, write, research your decade project, or prepare your portfolio. See further options in the Popular Culture writing options below:

Popular Culture Sequence: Leisure & Games

Games (Crash Course)
The Psychology of Games (Crash Course)
Role-playing Games (Crash Course)
The Olympics, FIFA, and Why We Love Sports (Crash Course)
Comic Book Culture (documentary, 30 min)
The Real Importance of Sports (TEDx Talk)
NationStates: Max Barry's online game for Jennifer Government

Extra Credit/Ideas for Portfolios (now and forever):

  • Make a Youtube video on a popular culture topic you love; Ex. Crash Course...Dating or Crash Course 1990's Hip Hop Artists or Crash Course Anime. 
  • Interview someone cool and make a short documentary.
  • Create a podcast on a popular culture topic.
How to do it:
  • Research your topic. Crash course videos are informational videos--so you need some info before you start. If you're writing a documentary, you need to research your subject.
  • Use your research and write a short voice over script. Just like writing an essay. You should have a beginning (hook, lead, thesis), middle (development of your idea), and conclusion (ending or final thoughts).
  • Use photos and graphics as necessary to go over your audio file.
  • Don't like voice overs? Have a friend record you talking about your topic--or film a friend talking about a topic. 
  • Don't like videos? Just record your voice talking about this stuff and voila! Podcast. 
  • Upload your video, podcast to the internet. Youtube videos must be MP4's.
Write a RPG module/scenario:
Write a TEDx Talk:
  • Research and write a speech based on a chosen topic. 
  • Have a friend record your speech.
  • Upload your speech to the internet.
Write a sports review:
  • Yep. Same idea as a film review or any evaluative writing assignment. Just apply it to that team you watched. Or write about your own experiences playing a sport. It's all good. Just score a goal for your portfolio!


Read, respond, repeat.

Jennifer Government: Discussion.

HOMEWORK: Prepare your portfolio (these are due Wednesday next week). Complete Part 6 of Jennifer Government. There will be a test on this book next Friday.


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