Synthesis: Manchurian Candidate & The Media

Period 1: Lab

The Narrative/Thematic Synthesis (creative non-fiction): 

Using the sources in the post(s) below concerning the text Manchurian Candidate, use at least 3 sources in addition to the film, to write a synthesis of ideas.

Create an original issue/thesis about our culture by using the text sources (see below) to support your ideas.

For example, you could discuss brainwashing, political issues, spies and "moles", betrayal, solitaire, memory & alternative facts, The Cold War, the current political situation in the U.S., Russia's involvement in undermining our democracy, Communist China, mothers and sons, PTSD disorder, the media, media codes, cultural representation in films, etc.

Find ways in which to combine the sources you select to create a thesis--something you want to claim as true or important to our culture, way of thinking, an explanation of ties to our past and how that affects us in the present, or some "synthesis" of ideas. Note: this is not exactly an academic essay or research paper, but a creative non-fiction essay. Be creative and think outside the box...!

In general there are two types of creative nonfiction essay. Both can use the pronoun "I" and can use personal experiences to find meaning in a variety of sources. The two types are:
  • The narrative
  • The thematic
Tasks #2/#3: If you did not complete a draft of your dystopian story or your critical evaluation essay, please make sure these drafts are completed by the end of the marking period. You will have an opportunity to share your drafts in a workshop Monday.

Please go to the library to pick up our next novel for this course: Jennifer Government by Australian writer Max Barry. We will be discussing the first 3 chapters next class, so please begin reading it. You may continue reading at your own pace as well. Aim to complete the book in 2 weeks.

Period 2: Classroom

Reflection #2: Pop Culture: What is the Cinema for?
Reflection #3: Pop Culture: Celebrity Culture

Discussion #1: Media and Celebrity Culture

Read: Ha Jin: "A Tiger Hunter is Hard to Find" from The Bridegroom.

Discussion #2 (if there is time): The short story.

HOMEWORK: Please begin reading Jennifer Government. Aim to complete and be ready to discuss chapters 1-4 (pg. 2-17) in our next class.


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