Summary Workshop: Day 2; Epistolary Exercises


Please turn in your homework (3 of the 9 questions for the short story "The Overcoat" by Nikolai Gogol. )

After our announcement, please continue working on your summary workshops.

Today in the lab, please complete at least 2 more summary workshops with your peers.

Summary Workshop

Review each other's The Namesake summaries. Offer ideas based on these points:
  1. Is the summary accurate and complete?
  2. Does it include all the author’s main points?
  3. Are they in the right order?
  4. Did you remember not to include details, examples, your opinions, and information that isn’t in the original selection?
  5. Did you write the summary in your own words?
  6. Did you use transitions so that it reads smoothly?
  7. If someone else read your summary, would they see and be able to understand all of the important points the author presented in the original selection? 
  8. Did you write in complete sentences, with proper syntax, sentence structure, grammar, and mechanics for college or professional writing?
Use the rubric for summaries to provide feedback and grade your peers on their work. Discuss with peers your observations and suggest ways to strengthen the summary. Once you have completed at least 2 summary reviews today, please spend the rest of your time in the lab revising your summary paper.

If there is still time remaining in the lab, please continue to work on your portfolio. Portfolios are due Nov. 1. We will be workshopping a piece of writing next class.

CLASSROOM: Please take the short survey on genre options. Then we'll examine some epistolary exercises. See post below.

HOMEWORK: Revise your summary paper. A completed revision should be included in your marking period portfolio.


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