4 Functions of Myth; Workshop


In his book Pathways to Bliss, Joseph Campbell defines four functions of myths:
  • Evoke existential thought (answer: what is the meaning of my life?)
  • Present an image of the cosmos (and your relation to it)
  • Validate society or culture (& its rules)
  • Make sense of a person's stages of life (birth, adolescence, adulthood, old age, death)
Let's read. As you read The Epic of Gilgamesh, look for these 4 functions of myth in the epic. We will discuss the epic next class. You should be able to discuss how you understood the 4 functions of myth while reading Gilgamesh.

Please watch the end of the video on Mesopotamian Culture. Complete your graphic organizer notes.


Please return to the library lab. Prepare your workshop. You will want to share your original work (items in your writing portfolio) with at least 2 other students. If you used Google docs to write your drafts, then share your work with other peers. They will be able to comment on your work online.

You can also print out physical hard copies of your writing drafts and share these with your peers. Complete at least 2 of the handouts for workshops. Give feedback. With time remaining, go back and edit/revise your draft.

HOMEWORK: Please read The Epic of Gilgamesh. Look for the 4 functions of myth in the text. Be able to summarize each chapter during our discussion about the story.

Feel free to revise and prepare your work for your portfolio. Portfolios are due Nov. 1.


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