Portfolio Due! The Epic of Gilgamesh Analysis

Your portfolios are due today.


Your portfolio should have the following:

  • A 1-2 page reflection: what has worked or not worked for you in your portfolio? What do you need more help with? What would you like to see more of in the class/course? Do you need any specific feedback concerning your writing or a piece of your writing? Explain anything you think I should know about your portfolio this marking period. Evaluate your progress so far this year.
  • A copy of your final summary draft for The Namesake
  • A copy of your essay: "How it feels to be me..." (Zora Neale Hurston exercise)
Any of the following:
  • Complete or revise your "identity poem" draft 
  • Complete or revise your story draft where you use multiple based on the structure of The Namesake. (Sept. 19, 21, 23)
  • Complete or revise your "name" poem. (Sept. 19, 21, 23)
  • Nurture versus nature creative response
  • Labels creative response
  • Melting pot creative response
  • Object identification response
  • "Masks" response 
  • Photo essay or sound-byte video or podcast in which you examined a cultural theme
  • Dr. Seuss style poem draft
  • Borders response
  • Epistles
  • Revisions and earlier drafts
  • Other creative writing pieces: college essays, films, inspirations, etc.
See the portfolio rubric for specific details about grading.


Epic form (see previous post). Share your chapter drawing/mind map of The Epic of Gilgamesh. Discuss The Hero's Journey. How does the Hero's Journey and the 4 Functions of a Myth show itself in Gilgamesh's journey? Discuss.

HOMEWORK: Read the handout: Analysis.


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