Curriculum Map: Results

Here they are in order (and # of votes...)

  1. Mythology 76
  2. Psychology 81
  3. Media Studies 94
  4. Gender/Feminism, LGBTQ 106
  5. Popular Culture 107
  6. Philosophy 112
  7. Sociology/Political Science 114
  8. Race/Minority Literature 115
  9. Mystery/Detective Fiction 131
  10. Dystopian/Utopian Literature 150
  11. Science Fiction/Fantasy 155
  12. African Literature 159
  13. Middle East Literature 170
  14. Asian Literature 173
  15. North America/Native American/Canadian Literature 185
  16. South/Central American Literature 186
  17. European Literature 191
  18. British Literature 193
  19. Pacific/Island Literature 198
  20. Australia/New Zealand Literature 204


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