Race Presentations: Day 2

Please take period 1 to put the finishing touches on your presentations. Presentations are graded on participation. The goal of our presentations is critical thinking.

Our presentations will follow a pattern. 
  • After the presentation, the class (those not presenting at the moment) will be expected to ask clarifying questions of the presentation. Presenters should repeat or clarify as necessary. 
    • "What I heard the presenters say..."; "I don't understand your point about..."; "What do you mean by..."; "I have a question about..."; "Could you repeat the part about..."
  • The group will also actively listen and restate or summarize main points or ideas that have been presented. Interpretive questions can also be asked.
  • "I heard the presenters say..."; "What I'm hearing is..."; "What I think this means..."; "Am I getting this right?"; "This reminds me of..."; "This makes me think of..."
  • Then we'll go around again and viewers/classmates will interpret what they heard or understand about the solution the presenters made. All class members watching will provide a comment. 
  • After checking in to make sure we're on the right track, the class will ask probing questions of the presenters. Classmates will write their questions on sticky notes and the presenters will select 1 question each to answer or consider further. Each presenter will respond to a question back to the class and reflect on what problems, weaknesses, or gaps in logic or holes their solution still holds. 
    •   "A question this raises for me is..."; "I think..."; "What might happen if..."; "Can you explain ______ further?"; "Compare/Contrast this idea with..."
We will continue our presentations through the class on Friday. If there is time remaining in class after our discussion/presentations, please work on your portfolio.

Your portfolios are due Friday (April 12). Remember there should be a reflection, a piece on gender, a piece on race and the draft of your Margaret Atwood Wilderness Tips story.

HOMEWORK: Portfolios are due April 12; Presentations are due this week of April 8.


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