Introduction to Japan & haiku

For the first 15-20 minutes of class, please complete your scene from Sato Makoto (see absurdist & epic theater style characteristics from the last post) or complete your scene from last Thursday's class's prompts with Los Vendidos. Write at least a page or two of your scene.

At 7:50, let's watch and take some notes for our Japanese Literature Unit:

The History of Japan
Buddhism: School of Life
Crash Course: Bunraku & Kabuki

By far, however, haiku (a one-breath poem that served as the opening stanza of a renga--more on that later) is the most familiar style of Japanese poetry, mainly because of this guy: Matsuo Basho. Let's read some of his poems and the inspiration in nature that he observed that created them. Basho collected his poetry in his "journal" entitled "The Narrow Road to Oku"--as he traveled for 150 days to visit the grave of his mother. Let's read a couple excerpts from the book.

Then, let's write some haiku of our own. See previous posts for details/instructions.

HOMEWORK: Write some haiku. Take a walk in nature. Observe and take notes of your journey. Record who you meet or what you see. Focus, though, on nature, if you can. Where do you see the natural world, for example, in our human-made city? What is the relationship (juxtaposition) between the city and the natural world? Intersperse your journal notes with haiku like Basho does. Use the kigo to help you as well.

Keep your haiku to 3 lines, no title, 17 syllables or fewer, and less than 10 words...

Explanation (notes): I was awoken one Spring morning very early by the sound of a large flock of geese noisily honking as they flew North past my house. I wonder how they know their bearings as they fly.

Early morning commute--
Only the Canadian Geese

Try some wabi-sabi with that haiku. Here's an explanation...


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