Race; Forum Theater Presentation

Briefly, this morning, please gather in your small groups and work on your upcoming presentation on race.

When attempting to answer this question, together, with your partners, use probing questions to get at what your group thinks is important about the topic. Here are some examples to try:

  • What would you have to change in order to solve the problem of Race in America?
  • What's another way you might have to approach the question?
  • What do you assume to be true about Race?
  • What's the connection between ____ and ____? (for example, economics and race, or education and race, or fear and race?)
  • What questions do you still need to understand in order to answer this question?
  • What criteria should or could we use when determining a solution to this problem?
  • What is wrong about the way we deal with Race issues in America?
  • What if the opposite were true, and the Racial minority you are using as an example, was a Racial majority? How would this new "majority" treat their once oppressors? What might be needed to change our minds?
  • What is needed to change our culture to allow Race issues to "heal"?
  • Do you think the problem with Race is X? If so, how do we solve X to move past X?
  • How is the issue of Race similar to/or the same as _______? What strategies might we have learned from ______ to solve the issue of Race?
At 7:45 or 8:00, we will head down to Mr. Fellows' senior acting class to bear witness to their forum theater presentations. They need an audience. Bring your notebooks as some of their presentations may inspire you for a story, poem, or creative essay.

Just a reminder:

  • We have a masterclass with Omar Akkam today 3/4 period in the Ensemble theater. Please think of some things you may want to ask about the novel or questions about making a living writing, or how to break into journalism, etc. Bring your notes/journal.
  • Complete the novel American War for our discussion on the book Friday (and the test). You may bring your books/notes to the test. 
HOMEWORK: Portfolios are due in a little less than 2 weeks. Complete American War for Friday. 


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