Hedwig: Day 2 (Conclusion)

As you watch, please use the film and play script as resource materials to write a researched/analysis or creative personal narrative/essay using the Gender criticism notes given to you at the beginning of this unit. You may wish to expand your discussion to personal understanding or experiences, or comment on contemporary culture. This essay will serve as a "test" for the film/play script. Consider the following as you watch:
  • Rock & Roll, particularly "heavy metal" is often viewed as being primarily a masculine musical form. Why?
  • Examine the film/play's depiction of transgender identities in roles traditionally played by cis-gender actors cross-dressing
  • In your opinion, does the film/play teach you anything you did not know about gender? Is the play relevant today? Why or why not?
  • Examine pop culture in regards to gender and identity (particularly transgender, for example). Has pop culture helped or hurt the transgender community? Has the media, for example, helped change our culture's attitude towards gender fluidity?
  • What exactly does it take to love oneself? How does not loving yourself or your identity cause suffering in one's life? How "broken" are we? Is there hope for finding our other half? Explore the topic.
  • Other*
HOMEWORK: Complete your essay draft for Tuesday, March 12. This essay draft will count as a test grade (and for your portfolio). Please read chapter one of American War. Please bring your books to class next week.


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