American War Quiz; Discussion; Race Presentation Project
After taking your open-book test during period 1, if you finish before the end of the period, please read the handout articles on Frantz Fanon, Paul Gilroy, and Elijah Anderson's philosophy/sociology for additional sources for your presentation. When all tests are submitted, we will have a discussion on the book. Remember that you will receive a grade for your participation in this discussion. You should place your "pennies" in the dish as instructed. American War discussion - A Penny for your Thoughts! The book has two epigraphs . The first reads, "The one you must punish is the one who punishes you." from The Book of Songs by 10th-century poet Kitab al-Aghani. How does this epigraph set the tone for the book and prepare us for events in the book? How effective was the author in setting up his setting for the narrative? What elements of the setting (locations, time, season, weather, items/props, etc.) are most vivid? How does the author establish this ...