The Mahabharata Discussion; India

Mahabharata key scenes from Peter Brook's film.

  • Birth
  • Game of Dice
  • Bhagavad Gita
  • Nirvana

Mahabharata Discussion - Complete Socratic seminar sheet

The Mahabharata has influenced Indian culture for thousands of years. Consider & discuss how the following cultural ideas are found in the epic:

Gods (a limited list):

  • Brahma (the creator)
  • Vishnu (the preserver)
  • Shiva (the destroyer)
  • Ganesha (the opener of ways, son of Shiva)
  • Krishna & Rama (avatars of Vishnu)
  • Parvati, Kali, Durga (primordial goddess; mother (Parvati); but also blood/disease/darkness or time in shadow form (Kali or Durga); consort of Shiva)
  • Lakshmi (goddess of luck, wealth & fortune; consort of Vishnu)
  • Yama (god of death)

Caste system: while officially removed in 1947 (August 15 Independence Day), much of India is still influenced by the caste system. Here's the breakdown:
Image result for indian caste system

Dharma - Moral rightness; (10 rules of dharma: 1. patience, 2. forgiveness, 3. piety/self-control, 4. honesty, 5. sanctity, 6. control of senses, 7. reason, 8. knowledge/learning, 9. truth & 10. absence of anger.)

Ashrama - The Four Stages of Life:

  • Student
  • Householder
  • Retired (Hermit)
  • Renunciate (Wandering Ascetic)
Reincarnation: rebirth

Epics include some of the following:
  • Deal with a specific hegemonic group or person from a specific culture, usually in a period of crisis
  • Supernatural events (monsters/gods, etc.)
  • Contradictions between the individual's wants/needs and society
  • Heroic deeds (Hero's journey)
Examine the epic through Myth Criticism, what do we learn from the epic about: 
  • Love
  • Life
  • Nature
  • Death
  • Society
  • Truth, justice, goodness, mercy, sacrifice
  • Evil, conflict, betrayal, illusion, lies, anger, violence
Period 2ish:

Read/discuss: Savitri (short story/myth) & poems

With time remaining, please continue to work on your creation presentation projects. 

HOMEWORK: Complete the handout reading if we did not complete it in class. Aim to complete your presentations by Monday, Dec. 10. Workshop or write for your portfolio.


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