Sita Sings the Blues: The Ramayana
Gender & Mythology: Why men? Fathers & Sons (archetypes and male divinities: crash course)
A final example of Indian mythology: The Ramayana.
Ramayana Crash Course. Now that you have the basics, how might an author use the myth creatively to discuss gender? Let's take a look at Feminist criticism (see handout). As we watch the film "Sita Sings the Blues" apply key feminist criticism questions to the text.
HOMEWORK: Continue reading Odd & The Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman. Write a creation myth of your own based on your own pantheon of Gods/Goddesses; use a myth and update it in a clever or creative way. Notice how the book uses male archetypes to teach boys contemporary values.
A final example of Indian mythology: The Ramayana.
Ramayana Crash Course. Now that you have the basics, how might an author use the myth creatively to discuss gender? Let's take a look at Feminist criticism (see handout). As we watch the film "Sita Sings the Blues" apply key feminist criticism questions to the text.
HOMEWORK: Continue reading Odd & The Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman. Write a creation myth of your own based on your own pantheon of Gods/Goddesses; use a myth and update it in a clever or creative way. Notice how the book uses male archetypes to teach boys contemporary values.