Gender; Sita Sings the Blues (conclusion); Discussion

Gender & Mythology: Why women? Mothers & Daughters (archetypes and female divinities: crash course)

As we watch the film "Sita Sings the Blues" apply key feminist criticism questions to the text. Then We'll try to discuss...

With time remaining, let's begin reading "The Call of Cthulhu" by H.P. Lovecraft in class. See homework.

HOMEWORK: Continue reading Odd & The Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman. Write a creation myth of your own based on your own pantheon of Gods/Goddesses; use a myth and update it in a clever or creative way. Notice how the book uses male & female archetypes to teach boys (and maybe girls) contemporary values. There will be a test on this question, so examine, examine, examine. Note taking is suggested. Bring "Cthulhu" back with you to next class.


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