Portfolios Due! Equus: Day 2


Please prepare your portfolios. Your reflection should discuss issues or problems you are having with your writing, issues or questions you wish to explore further, or details that will help guide my feedback. What kind of feedback would you like from me about your writing?

Print and attach all revisions. See REVISION HISTORY in your Google docs, if necessary. Proofread your work, spellcheck, do last minute revisions, etc.

If necessary, you can continue reading A Clockwork Orange. Aim to finish the book by Wednesday of next week (for the test/discussion on the book).

Check out these sources & videos:

Period 2:

We will continue reading Equus. As you read the play, choose a character to examine and analyze. Apply Freudian and other psychological theories to the character. You will be writing a character sketch analysis of the character you choose.

HOMEWORK: Complete A Clockwork Orange. Compile psychological notes on your Equus character.


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