Equus Evaluation Due; Quarter Resolutions; Portfolio Advice; A Clockwork Orange Discussion (part 2)


Please complete and turn in your Equus character psychological analysis. These are due today and will count as a quiz grade.

If you finish before the period ends, please do the following:
  • Prepare for our field trip tomorrow by reading the article handouts; think about recent gun violence in America. Please be in the Commons by 8:00 tomorrow. You will need your journals/writing utensils, and you may wish to bring the articles, but little else is needed. Lunch will be provided by the college. 
  • Read the following 8 Charts That Explain America's Unique Gun Violence Problem. Take notes.
  • Prepare readings for the coffeehouse tonight. 7:00, Ensemble Theater.
  • Notes/comments about your portfolios.
    • Protagonists should protag; without a character making decisions, your work is boring
    • Show don't tell--we need to remove abstraction and generalization for the specific
    • Imagery 
    • Research
    • Essays: reflect...write structure as you would a story or play
    • Get inside the heads of your narrators/speakers
    • If you have more than 2 commas, use a period (probably)
    • Workshop
  • Writing exercise: The two Magna Cartas:
    • What, to you, makes a good story (poem or play, etc.)? Your list can include anything. From space aliens to ribald historical sex scenes or slash fiction with Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas falling in love; from multiple perspective to very, very short stories (fewer than 100 words); from first person narration to stories set in urban locations, from feisty teenagers out to change the world, to cliffhanger endings; from happy endings to angry diatribes. What are some of the things that you like to read in a story?
    • Then write about what, to you, makes for a boring, frustrating, or uninteresting reading experience in a story (poem, play, etc.); Maybe stories with cowboys, using slang or excessive metaphors, people walking...everywhere without doing anything page after page, characters who do not make decisions, long flowery sentences with many, many adjectives, teenage sex scenes, conservative politics, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas, happy endings, etc.
  • Discussion of A Clockwork Orange (part 2) & Equus. [Return books to the library!]
HOMEWORK: None. Miraculous, isn't it!


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