Mesmerism; Poe; Portfolio; 'Dentity Crisis


This morning, please watch the following video Mesmerism & Hypnosis: Altered States (Crash Course) then:


Hypnotism, from the Greek word for sleep, is actually really the opposite. It is a state of human consciousness, often meant to heighten one's focus and attention. A person who is hypnotized is usually relaxed, focused, and more prone to suggestion. Unlike the popular cultural notion that the patient has lost his/her free will, the hypnotized has complete control of his/her mind and mental state. It is sometimes used as a treatment in psychotherapy as a way to relax or focus the patient.

Please read the short story "The Strange Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" by Edgar Allan Poe and the short summary of Abbe Faria.

Some trivia:
  • Poe's story was originally published in a collection of other medical reports. His, however, is fictional.
  • Mesmerism was a popular topic when Poe wrote this story. Learn about the topic at the link. Great fodder for creative writing!
With time remaining, please either read your chosen novel or work on any of the previous prompts for your portfolio. Those of you who need a deadline, please turn in a page or two of your writing today. If you don't, write at least 2-3 pages this week. See possible prompts in the post below.

Period 2: 

Play reading: 'Dentity Crisis by Christopher Durang

"The Color of Family Ties: Race, Class, Gender" - our next units will focus on popular culture, race, and gender issues.

HOMEWORK: Complete your chosen novel this week. Write 3 discussion questions for your discussion Monday.


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