Welcome class of 2017! Course Criteria

Welcome back!

Writing Across Cultures - Course Criteria
Teacher: Mr. Craddock
Course Length: Periods 1/2, 40 Weeks 
Blog address: writingxculture.blogspot.com

Course Description: 
This course introduces students to the field of cultural studies. Through research, reading and writing students will discuss and respond to works by noted writers from a variety of cultures around the world. These works will serve as a source of inspiration, style, and technique for the student in crafting his or her own writing, and as a source of themes and issues to be explored. Students will approach writing through the practice of research while analyzing different cultures, cultural ideas and philosophies. 

This course also fulfills dual enrollment credit for MCC’s ENG 101 and ENG 105 courses. Enrollment in and successful completion of this course may provide students with either 3 or 6 real college credits. These credits are separate from the credit high school students receive from passing this class. Dual enrollment is an option for interested students. Please see the following linked page for information regarding dual enrollment.

Course Objectives: 
Students will read and discuss selected works reflecting a variety of cultures 
Students will read for an understanding of human experience, beliefs and values 
Students will read for an understanding of effective craft or artistry in writing 
Students will read and write for an understanding of the creative process 
Students will create artistic writing in a variety of genres 
Students will continue to discover and develop their own writers’ voices 
Students will use research methods to uncover facts and inspire their own writing 

Course Requirements: 
Participate in class assignments and projects
Read, read, read, read, read! Participate in reading/discussion groups.
Keep a folder for handouts/work in progress/writing exercises
Keep a writer’s portfolio of all completed and revised work (see below)
Keep a journal or writing notebook for writing assignments, research and practices
Communicate regularly and effectively with the teacher and peers through workshop 
Engage in the complete writing process (brainstorming, composition, editing, publishing)
Participate in and lead class discussions
Meet project and reading deadlines
Respect the rules and procedures of the school, writing lab, and classroom
Write passionately, creatively and artistically! 

This course follows and fulfills the New York State standards for the English/Language Arts curriculum 

1. Students need to bring pencils/pens, paper (loose leaf), class folder, journal and any text we are currently reading to class every day.
2. A journal (notebook) is required for this course. Students are encouraged to use the journal as a reading log as well to keep an account of their reading progress and response to their reading. The log may also be used to help facilitate discussions and take exams. 
3. Portfolios will be provided for the student by the teacher. They will be collected each term (6 in total).
4. Students may also find it useful to keep a flashdrive to save their work in the computer labs. Students will have access to word processors and the internet in writing labs but may also find it useful to have access to word processors and the internet at home if possible. 
5. All texts that are currently being used (read or assigned) must be brought to class every day and returned to the library in a timely fashion. Students are responsible for keeping their texts in good condition. Lost or damaged books will result in library fines.
6. Students are expected to follow the rules of the classroom and the school, to respect all other students, participate in their own learning, and behave in a mature fashion. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in academic failure, administrative intervention and/or discipline, or the need for additional parent/teacher/guidance conferences. 
7. Students are expected to keep up with the reading and writing requirements for this class. All work must be turned in on (or before) the scheduled deadline. Late work will result in lower grades. 

Attendance Policy: 
Your attendance to this class is mandatory. Class, unfortunately, starts at 7:30. Announcements start at 7:25. Please make sure you attend class on time every day. 
Tardy or absent students (even with a note) will lose participation credit (as part of the term grade). All absent students must check the class blog and make-up missed work. After 3 consecutive absences (85% attendance) I am required to contact your parent(s)/guardian. If a student’s attendance falls below 85% in any marking period and class assignments are not made up, he or she may receive a failing grade for that term. 

NOTE: Creative writing stresses the importance of individualism and the freedom to create; however, writers must understand the balance between free expression and artistic merit. Excessive or gratuitous use of profanity, violence and lewd subject matter will not be acceptable. 


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