Prezi Project: Day 3

Please turn in your homework from last class (see HOMEWORK on previous post for details).

Period 1: Prezi & Library research
Please pick up the book: Jennifer Government.

You are likely not to find a book directly on your topic. You might, however, find something related from a broader context. Remember to check out the following sections using the Dewey Decimal System:
  • 000 – General works, Computer science and Information
  • 100 – Philosophy and psychology
  • 200 – Religion
  • 300 – Social sciences
  • 400 – Language
  • 500 – Pure Science
  • 600 – Technology
  • 700 – Arts & recreation
  • 800 – Literature
  • 900 – History & geography
Period 2: Prezi & Research

As you research, please make sure you answer:
    • What is this?
      • Where did it come from/what influenced this phenomenon?
        • Who is involved?
          • Why is it popular NOW?
            • How does it affect our culture?
            • Your Prezi should be between 3-7 minutes. Consider timing if you are including video!
            HOMEWORK: Start putting your Prezi together for a Friday presentation. Please read chapters 1-5 of Jennifer Government (pages 2-19).


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