Prezi Project: Day 4

EQ: What is Capitalism? What is Materialism?

Terms: Look up and define these 3 terms. Compare your definition as instructed by your teacher.

  • Capitalism
  • Consumerism
  • Materialism

Please read the two articles and look at the group of pictures in the handout this morning. Use the articles to spark your own response. Write a creative response to something in these pictures or articles. Keep your draft in your portfolio. [This is an ongoing assignment]!

Other key terms you should be familiar with: propaganda, testimonial, name calling, glittering generalities, plain-folks appeal, argumentum ad populum, argumentum ad hominem, post hoc ergo propter hoc, transfer or guilt by association, bandwagon, false analogy, begging the question, two extremes fallacy, card stacking, and testimonial. These terms can be found in your article: "How Not to Be Bamboozled."

During the rest of the class, please continue to work on your Prezi projects. By the end of 1st period, you should have completed your research and started designing your Prezi.

Keep the following in mind:
  • A presentation should not be read, but prepared. Teach us, don't read to us!
  • Only put your major points on your slides. Do not write too much on your slides!
  • You should know the details you wish to present to us: you may use notecards if you need to.
  • Consider using video/graphics for key/important points.
  • Use the questions from the post(s) below and make sure you focus your presentation to answer these key questions.
HOMEWORK: Complete your Prezi. Be prepared to deliver your presentation Friday, Oct. 10. Read pages 19-34 (part one) of Jennifer Government.


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