3 Minute Philosophy Project

Period 1:
  • Please read the handout on your selected philosopher. 
  • Take notes on key or important ideas found in the handout. 
  • Spend some time online fleshing out the ideas and finding images or drawings that might help you illustrate the philosopher's point. 
  • Begin writing a short "speech" that you will record as a voice over for your presentation film.
Period 2: Alone or with a partner, create a short 1-3 minute philosophy film summarizing the most important or key points of your philosopher. Use the previous 3-minute philosophy films to give you some ideas (see posts below!) Use your short speech and various graphic designs, your own drawings, or chosen illustrations from the internet to punctuate key ideas presented by this philosopher.

By the end of class you should have read and taken notes on your philosopher, researched and selected your pictures/graphics for the video, and have your short speech written.

  • Continue working on your short film. 
  • Complete your reading of a comic book and explain in a paragraph to turn in what philosophical idea does the comic book include. See post below. Make a case as to which philosopher one of the ideas presented within follows as a tradition. Consider the philosophy of Pythagoras, Epicurus, Heraclitus, Zeno, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Anselm, Machiavelli, Locke, Hobbes, Bacon, Pascal, Rousseau, Hume, Descartes, Kant, Kierkegaard, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Nietzsche, or your chosen philosopher. (See previous posts and handouts to help you out)!
  • Begin reading The Stranger.


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