The Epic of Gilgamesh; Adventure Stories

Summarize the plot of the chapter you signed up for in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Analyze the adventure genre aspects of the chapter. How might you create a premise or allude to this text in a creative work?

Your summary should include an answer to:
1. Who does the chapter involve (which characters)?
2. What is the goal or task given to the protagonist?
3. Who or what stands in Gilgamesh's way?
4. How does Gilgamesh conquer or overcome this obstacle?
Then, it's off to the lab for the following research & tasks:
As you read, consider what value the study (and/or pursuit) of knowledge might gain the human race. Before you run off and become a lawyer or scientist or journalist or gas station attendant, you may consider the broader question of "why learn anything?" or "What use is knowing how to think?"  
Yes, you might not get a job just because you majored in philosophy, but you might not get a job just because you majored in science, math, nursing, political science, sociology, English, business, or French. Learning how to think is just as important as what you study. Consider this. 
  • Use time in the lab today to work on your adventure project. Since most of you need a deadline, you've got it. The adventure project draft is due Monday, Feb. 10.
HOMEWORK: Answer this question any way you think fitting: "What is god?" Come to class Thursday prepared to discuss your answer.


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