Plato & the Greek Philosophers

This morning, let's continue our philosophy with one of the greatest philosophers ever known: Plato. We will also take a look at a few other very important and influential philosophers: Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Socrates, and, of course, Aristotle. Epicurus and Zeno are also covered here. Since we've been talking about God, you can revisit St. Thomas Aquinas.

Plato was born around 427 BCE in Athens, Greece. He died in 347 BCE. He was a student of Socrates, and a teacher of Aristotle. He founded the Academy, a school in Greece. He is best known for his dialogues:
  • The Apology
  • The Phaedo
  • The Crito
  • The Republic (watch an animated version of The Allegory of the Cave voiced by Orson Welles)
  • The Symposium
He helped the human race discuss universals and the ideal, many of his ideas setting the groundwork for philosophers after him.

Learn more about Plato here at this link. Please read and consider how you might use some of Plato's ideas in a poem, story, scene, skit, non-fiction essay, travel memoir, etc.

We will be reading his Symposium (just in time for Valentine's Day). Please sign up to summarize one of the sections in The Symposium and prepare it for the class Friday.

During period 2, please continue working on your adventure drafts. You may also spend your time reading the homework, responding to it in your writing for your portfolio, or reviewing the links found above on the Greek philosophers.

HOMEWORK: Complete your adventure draft (and bring a draft to next class). Read the handout on the Greek Philosophers and their ideas. Read a chapter/section of The Symposium. Please sign up and read that section for FRIDAY, Feb. 14.


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