Philosophy Meets Writing; Descartes; 6 Characters in Search of an Author

This morning, please take the first 20-30 minutes to write. You should be using one of the philosophers' ideas from your handouts to create a writing piece.

Near the end of 1st period, we will switch to Descartes by answering the following question(s) in a reflective prompt:
  • Do I exist? How do I know I exist?
  • Does the world exist? How do I know the world exists?
  • How do I know I (or anything else) is alive?
  • How can I know for certain anything?

During 2nd period, we will pick up the play 6 Characters in Search of an Author by Luigi Pirandello and return to room 238 to read it together.

HOMEWORK: Read the handouts on Descartes. We'll talk more about him next class.


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