Popular Culture Prezi; Portfolio

What is Popular Culture?

Popular culture studies popular culture from a critical theory perspective. It is generally considered a combination of communication studies and cultural studies.

Barriers between so-called high and low culture have broken down, which encompasses such diverse media as comic books, television, mass media, and the Internet.

The theory of progressive evolution:

Capitalist economies create opportunities for every individual to participate in a culture which is fully democratized through mass education, expansion of leisure time and cheap entertainment, media and paperbacks. In this liberal view, popular culture (low culture) does not threaten high culture, but is an authentic expression of the needs of the people.

Click above at the link (a very pop culture idea in the first place) and read about Popular Culture on Wikipedia (another pop culture idea). Take notes to define, understand the component parts of the subject area, and its characteristics.

The Pop Culture Project:
  • Choose one of the areas of study in popular culture:
    • Media
    • Pop Art
    • Pop or Media Icons (people)
    • Fads
    • Technology
    • Sports
    • Leisure Activities (gaming, pastimes, etc.)
    • Music
    • Fashion
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
  • Narrow your topic by breaking the category down to manageable and identifiable topics. Make a list or mind map of sub topics and components in the category in your journal. EX. Media can be broken down into smaller areas such as television, film, radio; but then can be broken smaller still into things such as television: Breaking Bad, Orange is the New Black, The Simpsons, or various actors, various directors. Then these topics can be broken down further, if needed.
  • Search the internet. Find internet sources that examine the significance of your chosen topic. Record the internet addresses and keep careful track of your sources according to MLA format.
  • Search the library. Find at least ONE text source in the library. This book may not be specifically naming your topic, but may be a more broad and general text dealing with a side or sub issue. Magazines can be used as well. Don't forget about them.
  • You need a works cited page for this project. Please keep track of all sources used or consulted. Write down abstracts for your articles, collect web and library sources/addresses, find the names of authors, etc. Keep this material in your journal at first.
  • Create a Prezi presentation concerning your topic. You should be prepared to discuss and present your topic to the class. 
During period 1 please check out our first novel: Jennifer Government, then go to the lab to work on your portfolio.

HOMEWORK: Please begin reading Jennifer Government. Aim to complete the book by the end of the marking period. Continue to research your pop culture project topic.


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