Pop Culture Presentations & Social Institutions

We will continue our pop culture presentations today.

Here is another site for articles on Pop Culture (a good source for media) and Mashable (a good site for culture, style, tech & business). To test your knowledge, play this game: You Know It!

Where does this get us? Our next task is to do a little research. Our goal is to examine one of the following major social institutions and explore its history in America. You will want to research and create a graphic design to share with the class based on your research. You may select any of the following suggestions to visually capture your work: a padlet, a time line, a collage (or online collage: fotor photo collage or ribbet, glogster, kerpoof studio, mindomo mind mapping, animoto (make and share videos), or good old poster paper or arts/crafts stuff, etc.

We recognize five major social institutions that have been evident in some way in every civilization in history:
  • government 
  • religion 
  • education 
  • economics 
  • family
Arts should be up there too come to think of it. While we will be focusing on education in our next sub unit of culture, any issue you uncover in Economics or PIG classes will be just as important to this class as our current discussion. Use any of these topics from these classes in your writing/portfolio.

For your research today, please choose one of the social institutions to examine. Then examine your topic. Find out how the institution has changed over its history, how it affects our culture, and how it leads or connects to pop culture and pop cultural topics. You will need to start somewhere online and get a basic understanding of what it is you are attempting to research. Once you've done that, keep track of key issues and side-issues in your topic. Take NOTES. Your notes will lead you to further research. Eventually, you will want a combination of text and visual images to present your social institution project to the class.



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