German Research & Company Workshop

Today in the lab, please complete the following before 9:00:

From the blog post (below), please select 3 articles from the Key Moments in German History. Read these articles and on the sheet to hand-in for participation credit, please list key points/facts you learned from the article.

These notes may later be used to create a story, play, film, essay, or poem for your portfolio (PROJECT A). This kind of research experience will also be helpful to your projects B & C, as well as college and life.

The second part of our class will be taken by Geva's presentation and workshop for the musical Company.

For those students who are going and have not completed the medical forms for a field trip, please do so by Monday.

HOMEWORK: Please continue reading your chosen book: Red Scarf Girl or Forbidden City. Begin working on your plans for your final project (portfolio, presentation, research, etc.)


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