6th Marking Period Options
Many of you have been complaining that there's no point in learning anything, and you certainly don't want to write any more. Alas, we have over a month left in school and we're not ready to simply sit around for the next 35 days. Senoritis is not real, but a state of mind. Remember that if you are planning on going to college to get a degree, you will be in an academic program like this one for the next 2-8 years.
But I am going to give you options as to how you want to be graded for this next marking period.
As this is a literature course, we will still be reading a fair amount. I will continue to test you on your reading, and score your participation in class as always. Attendance WILL count toward your final assessment.
Please choose from one of three major end-year assessments:
A. a writing portfolio or a writing project.
But I am going to give you options as to how you want to be graded for this next marking period.
As this is a literature course, we will still be reading a fair amount. I will continue to test you on your reading, and score your participation in class as always. Attendance WILL count toward your final assessment.
Please choose from one of three major end-year assessments:
A. a writing portfolio or a writing project.
- Expectation: You will continue to research, gather ideas from your reading or discussions on the literature read in class, brainstorm ideas for your writing and compose or revise drafts in any of the four genres (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, script). This should include a reflection on your writing process.
- You may also select one of several writing-based projects (see below).
- Expectation: You will come up with your own topic concerning world culture from the areas we have not yet studied (countries in Asia, Africa, Australia, Middle East), OR come up with your own global cultural topic (perhaps comparing an aspect of American culture with a specific foreign culture), create a bank of inquiry questions (things to find out), research your questions, find out the answers, and prepare a writing-based project or class presentation (see below) using what you learned.
- Compiling a collection of your work to be published in a personal literary magazine that you design and edit
- Working collaboratively to edit and compile a literary magazine of your peers and your best work (or creating a class or grade level literary magazine)
- Conducting and annotating a compilation of readings on a specific topic (for example: select an author, read a selection of this author's works, research criticism about the author, and write up an annotated report)
- Preparing and delivering a class-room reading performance of your work
- Preparing and delivering a public speech or lecture on a specific topic
- Writing a major work (feature length film/tv script, novella, long short story, long poetry cycle, chapbook, full length play, magazine, graphic novel, memoir, etc.)
- Creating and organizing an event (performance, film, art show or exhibition, etc.) for the public
- You may select one of the cultures we have not yet covered in class and prepare and deliver a class presentation or lesson (i.e., you teach us)
- Other ideas