Pan's Labyrinth

Pan's Labyrinth information can be found here.

We have been discussing the transformation/metamorphosis plot and character archetype. This archetype is very close to the “coming of age” archetype where the changes occurring in a story are simply “growing up” and becoming an adult with responsibility and all that jazz. The German bildungsroman (remember 9th grade?) describes all books involving coming of age.

And then there’s the metaphor. What do you think is del Toro’s attitude toward growing up? What proof do you see in the film to support this idea?

What are some of the changes (both spiritual/mental and physical) that happen to the characters? Specifically, please follow the change of Ofelia, Vidal, Mercedes, and the Doctor (but you can also look at Fauno, Carmen, and so on).

Writing task: write a creative response to the film. Consider using the fairy tale and transformation archetypes to help you with character and plot or theme. Put your draft in your portfolio.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Portfolios are due Wednesday, March 14. No late portfolios will be accepted. The due date is Wednesday, March 14. You may, of course, turn in your work early. Plan accordingly.


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