Albert Lamorisse (filmmaker) & French Contemporary Lit

Albert Lamorisse's childhood fantasy film The Red Balloon won the best original screenplay in 1956 and was a featured favorite at the Cannes film festival.

Watch the film. You may also respond to this, as you would respond to the French contemporary material you will read in class today (i.e., take any theme and write about it; use the style of the author and try your own hand at creating a poem, short story, etc. with it; set a story or poem in France, write a French children's story or narrative poem in verse--oh, the possibilities are endless!)

HOMEWORK: Complete the packet of reading.

P.S. While we've been reading a bit of French children's literature, I don't want to forget about Madeline. You can find more about her here.  For a parody of style, you might appreciate Werner Herzog Reads Madeline.
Herzog is a German filmmaker best known for such works as:
Into the Abyss (2012)
Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2011)
Encounters at the End of the World (2007)
Grizzly Man (2006)
Pilgrimage (a short film about faith) 2001
Nosferatu the Vampire (1979)
Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972)
If you have any plans on taking courses in documentary making, journalism, film studies, or film production and direction in college, do yourself a favor and view a few of these film clips.


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