France Intro & Porfolios Due!

Your portfolios are due today. Please turn them in.

After our discussion of French Culture and a bit of reading/writing, we will practice our pieces for the coffeehouse next week.

Some info mentioned in class:

Antoine de Saint Exupery's The Little Prince.

STORY IDEA: write a short children's story and illustrate it. Include elements of fairy tales or adventure or morals as you see fit. Remember that most children stories deal with young protagonists growing up.

Take a look at this video discussing America's relationship with France when you get a chance.

HOMEWORK: Continue researching French topics you signed up for last class. The benefit of research is two-fold:
1. You learn to assess important information and separate that from faulty or non-important information. A good skill to have in college, life, and etc.
2. For a writer, research is essential. Those tid-bits of trivial information can spark an idea for a creative project. If you never search outside of your own comfort zone, your writing will suffer for it.


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