Television Project

Today, in the library and lab, please do the following:

1. Post a mid-read response to the suspense/horror book you chose from the library to our forum. Discuss how it's going for you so far. What do you think of the book or collection? What is keeping you reading (if anything)? What have you noticed about the plot, character, theme, setting, etc. or the writer's style? What have you learned about writing from reading the book so far?

2. Get together in groups of 2-5. Brainstorm (to hand in) ideas for a television show that your group will like to pilot. You can pick any genre or length, from sit com (22 minutes) to an hour (48 minutes).

3. Check out television scripts at the link page to the left. The Daily Script is here as well.

4. Check out the television script formatting on the link page to the left.

HOMEWORK: Aim to finish your chosen suspense/horror book by early next week. Read any of the television scripts on the webpage link.


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