Portfolio & Pop Culture Project

Your portfolios and projects are due next class. This is your last day in the marking period to use the lab during class to complete your portfolio and pop culture project. Please have visual aides and materials ready to present to the class on Tuesday, Oct. 11.

Some reminders about your portfolio:
1. You should have printed and ready to hand in your portfolio for Tuesday, Oct. 11. Please do not expect to print out your work during class. Come to class prepared!
2. Your portfolio should have a  reflective essay discussing the items you have included in the portfolio. This is similar to your previous creative writing portfolios in the past. Remember 9 & 10th grade. Specifically, this is the time and place to let me know if you want specific feedback on your work.
3. Check the portfolio rubric.

Pop Culture Project
1. You must include an MLA formatted works cited page with your reflective essay.
2. The essay (3 or more pages, double spaced) should examine the details and particulars of your project and allow you to REFLECT on the significance or meaning of the topic. The essay is meant to be creative non-fiction. Remember to write beautifully, using the skills and writing techniques you use in fiction and poetry.
3. Put your reflective essay and works cited page in your portfolio. It counts as one of the pieces in your portfolio.


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