Lab Assignment

Please read the following article: "Wittgenstein, Semiotics, Proposition 8" by Todd Holden. As you read, take notes, ask questions, play the video embedded in the article (for the first one (let California Ring) link here to view), and, after reading the full article, respond in writing to anything that caught your attention or made you think or moved you or write about anything that the article reminded you of or how you related to one of the topics within the essay. From your writing, complete a short 2-3 page, double spaced creative essay of your own. Be prepared to share your essay in class.

For more information or material (particularly about proposition 8), check these clips:

Impact of Prop 8 (CNN)
Proposition 8 Commercial
CNN Review of 8 The Mormon Proposition
And just for fun, Proposition 8, the Musical


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