Day of a Thousand Writings

Okay, well, not that many, but some. Today we're going to be exposed to a variety of articles (both video & text). Your job is to take it in, process it, respond to it in some creative way. We will move in "chunks"--after watching a video (see below) or reading an article, we'll spend some time in private, quiet writing.

What you come up with or create--any or all of that can become the first draft of something. This something should be kept in your portfolio (or folder). Rubrics about the writing portfolio will arrive sometime next week. Along with our first class novel reading assignment.

But today, let's read, write, respond.

Oh, and Happy New Year!

HOMEWORK: Pop Matters! Link to the Pop culture webzine "Pop Matters." (see the link to your right.)

Read 1 FEATURE article, read 1 COLUMN article, and read 1 other article of your choice from music, to blogs, to books, to movies, to television, to any other article posted on the zine.

For each article (3 total): 1 FEATURE, 1 COLUMN, 1 Personal Choice, please prepare the following:

1. Summarize the article. Be prepared to briefly summarize the gist of the article to the rest of the class. Please make sure you note the author and title of the article.
2. Analyze the article. In your opinion is the article well written, correct, insightful, relevant, important, etc.? Then answer: WHY?
3. Explain what drew you to read and analyze this particular article.

It is likely that from these questions, you might decide to try your own hand at an article, non-fiction creative essay, or creative response of some kind. Whatever you feel inspired to do, do it! Your drafts should be collected in your class portfolio. Keep writing!


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