Video Review of Life of Pi (Video Exam)

By now, you should have finished The Life of Pi. If you haven't, please try to do so in the next day or two--certainly by Monday.

As your final evaluation for the book, here's the "exam"--record a video review of the book. Something similar to this one.

The district is recommending the use of the Screencastify Chrome app for video and microphone recording. You will need to go to the RCSD Chrome Web Store in order to install and use the webcam and microphone. In order to do this, please see the directions below:

1. Go to the following link à RCSD Chrome Web Store
2. From the RCSD Chrome Web Store, click on the app they are interested in installing (in this case, Screencastify)

3. Click on the button
4. A popup will appear, have them click on “Add Extension”

You should see an icon in the top right side of their Chrome Browser for Screencastify. ß

5. Follow the online steps to setting up Screencastify. You will need to do this after clicking on the button à

Then use the program to respond to the following 2 parts of your video review:

Your video should welcome us and tell us what you thought about the book The Life of Pi from a WRITER'S standpoint--that is, how well do you think the book is WRITTEN. In your evaluation of the book, you might discuss any of the following: Setting, Plot, Character, Conflict, POV, Imagery, Literary devices (figurative language, symbol, irony, etc.), theme, tone, dialogue, description, the use of stream of consciousness and voice, or, additionally, any other key terminology you have been learning from Gamzon in Advanced Fiction or in my courses. 

Then CHOOSE ONE of the following to focus on in your video report:
  • Freud's theories of psychology. How and where do key theories from Freud come into play in understanding the novel? (see the psychology notes/resources from previous posts...!)
  • Maslow's theory: The Hierarchy of Needs--how and where do his theories appear in the book (in particular the self-actualization of the protagonist)?
  • Philosophical and religious aspects of the novel. How does this book use Eastern philosophy (see resources) to teach the Western world a moral or ethical lesson?
  • Jungian theories of archetype & myth. Use what you learned about Jung and his theories to discuss key aspects of the novel by examining and commenting on the archetypes in the book.
Your video should be somewhere between a couple of minutes to no more than 10. What's important is your reflection and providing evidence (from the text or sources you consulted) that you have thought closely and deeply about the book. Remember to include BOTH parts of the video requirement (see above). 

If you have questions or concerns about this project, please email me (see post below!) or drop a comment in this blog post (or on Google Classroom). Make sure you check the email address you are sending--some people say they can't reach me. That's probably because of your typing skills...check the URL, please!

This video will be due April 17 (last day of the marking period). You may submit it earlier if you finish it. That will help close the marking period grading process.


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