Ancient and Mystic Poets of the Middle East

Need a little spirituality in your life at the moment?

Let's learn a little about Islam here at the link and read some "mystical" poets from the Middle East. Take a look at Hafez, Farid al-Din Attar, and the master poet Kahlil Gibran. More info on Islam coming in the next few days.

Once you do that, try writing your own poem in a similar style. Spend some time in contemplation and meditation then grab a pen/pencil, paper (or your computer) and write with a clear mind with your focus on God and the Infinite Universe (and, of course, love).


Ode 44

Last night, as half asleep I dreaming lay,
    Half naked came she in her little shift,
         With tilted glass, and verses on her lips;
Narcissus-eyes all shining for the fray,
         Filled full of frolic to her wine-red lips,
         Warm as a dewy rose, sudden she slips
    Into my bed – just in her little shift.

Said she, half naked, half asleep, half heard,
With a soft sigh betwixt each lazy word,
‘Oh my old lover, do you sleep or wake!’
And instant I sat upright for her sake,
And drank whatever wine she poured for me –   
Wine of the tavern, or vintage it might be
Of Heaven’s own vine: he surely were a churl
Who refused wine poured out by such a girl,
A double traitor he to wine and love.
Go to, thou puritan! the gods above
Ordained this wine for us, but not for thee;
Drunkards we are by a divine decree,
Yea, by the special privilege of heaven
Foredoomed to drink and foreordained forgiven.   

Ah! HAFIZ, you are not the only man
    Who promised penitence and broke down after;
For who can keep so hard a promise, man,   
    With wine and woman brimming o’er with laughter!
O knotted locks, filled like a flower with scent,
How have you ravished this poor penitent!

Ode 487

With last night’s wine still singing in my head,
I sought the tavern at the break of day,
Though half the world was still asleep in bed;
The harp and flute were up and in full swing,
And a most pleasant morning sound made they;
Already was the wine-cup on the wing.
‘Reason,’ said I, ‘’t is past the time to start,
If you would reach your daily destination,
The holy city of intoxication.’   
So did I pack him off, and he depart
With a stout flask for fellow-traveller.

Left to myself, the tavern-wench I spied,
And sought to win her love by speaking fair;
Alas! she turned upon me, scornful-eyed,
And mocked my foolish hopes of winning her.
Said she, her arching eyebrows like a bow:
‘Thou mark for all the shafts of evil tongues!
Thou shalt not round my middle clasp me so,
Like my good girdle – not for all thy songs! –
So long as thou in all created things
Seest but thyself the centre and the end.
Go spread thy dainty nets for other wings –
Too high the Anca’s nest for thee, my friend.’

Then took I shelter from that stormy sea
In the good ark of wine; yet, woe is me!
Saki and comrade and minstrel all by turns,
She is of maidens the compendium
Who my poor heart in such a fashion spurns.
Self, HAFIZ, self! That thou must overcome!
Hearken the wisdom of the tavern-daughter!
Vain little baggage – well, upon my word!
Thou fairy figment made of clay and water,
As busy with thy beauty as a bird.

Well, HAFIZ, Life’s a riddle – give it up:
There is no answer to it but this cup. 

Yes, this is a party poem! And here are two other important Middle Eastern poets: one from Lebanon (Gibran), the other from Persia (Iran). 

Farid al-Din 'Attar & his poetry
Kahlil Gibran's masterpiece: The Prophet (online)

Inspire yourself. Write an ode after you center yourself...breathe deeply. Relax. Clear your head, follow your breathing in and out, in and out...then write. Some ideas include: Write an ODE to a loved one who has given you support like Hafez does. Or Like Farid al-Din Attar does, write verses about visiting the "valley of..." [fill in your own emotion there...]; or like Gibran get philosophical and spiritual. Take any of his main topics or subjects and write about that (the list is on the webpage linked to his work above...)


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