Valenzuela, Argentina Context/History, Che Guevara & Evita Peron

Please make sure you have posted your comment (it is late!) regarding the 4 short stories from last week that you were to have read. This small assignment will appear on this marking period's grade. Today is the last day to turn in any late work!

Let's take a sample look at Luisa Valenzuela's work.

"Luisa Valenzuela is a post-'Boom' novelist and short story writer. Her writing is characterized by an experimental style that questions hierarchical social structures from a feminist perspective. She is best known for her work written in response to the dictatorship of the 1970s in Argentina." Argentina's coup occurred from 1976-1983.

Let's read: "The Verb To Kill"

A little context/history:

A short animated history of Argentina (2 min.)
The Funeral of Eva Peron, British Pathe' Newsreel (1 min.)
  • Should revolutions be judged by their ideals or their outcomes? (you decide...)
Famous Rap Battles  (2 terrorists: Che Guevara v. Guy Fawkes) (2 min.)
  • If you were to pit 2 historical/literary figures to a rap battle, who would you choose? 
  • Write a rap battle...
Let's take a look at Che's political philosophy. See handout. Name/list other "terrorists" or "freedom fighters" you are aware of in today's political climate. Is Greta Thunberg, for example, a freedom fighter or a teen-terrorist?

One of our goals, as writers, is to record history so it is not forgotten (memoirs, documentaries, etc.) but also to entertain. Contemporary Post Modern style allows us to combine all sorts of old-style media with new. The musical Evita is just one example...enjoy!

The film Evita (1996) was directed by Alan Parker, starring Madonna, Jonathan Pryce, and Antonio Banderas as Che.

HOMEWORK: Please read the libretto of the musical Evita by next class. Be prepared to discuss the musical/film.


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