Misogyny in Video Games; Objectification; Wilderness Tips

Period 1:

Misogyny in Video Games. Please watch the following videos and read the article "Your Princess Is In Another Castle". Use the source material to write a reflective essay/article on your position regarding this important issue about the misogyny of video games & digital media. You may, like Anita Sarkeesian, film a vlog post or create a Podcast and upload on your blog your own critical review on the topic. [You may work collaboratively on this project!]

Your Princess is in Another Castle (article) - Arthur Chu
Damsel in Distress, Part 1 (video; parts 2 & 3 can be viewed as well...) - Anita Sarkeesian
Women As Reward - Feminist Frequency (video) - Anita Sarkeesian
Not Your Exotic Fantasy - Feminist Frequency (Sexist, Racist Tropes in Video Games, video) - Anita Sarkeesian

Writing Ideas:

  • Choose a video game you have played and examine the roles of male and female characters. Write an essay in which you reflect on the issue (use gender criticism)
  • Create a video game from an online source in which you examine Anita Sarkeesian's ideology to create a more "enlightened" game regarding gender.
  • Create a podcast or vlog in which you examine an issue on gender in a pop culture source (such as sports, video games, music, tv or film, etc.)

Period 2:
Wilderness Tips: 
  • Discussion on "True Trash"
  • Reading: "Hairball"
HOMEWORK: Read the short stories: "Isis in Darkness" & "The Bog Man" (pg. 63-124); Some resources to help you:


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