Alison Bechdel: Fun Home; Black Lives Matter

Period 1: After attendance, please go to the library this morning to pick up our next graphic novel: Fun Home by Alison Bechdel. Then attend the assembly for Black Lives Matter. Have a good Feb. break!

Race Unit Preview: My Descent into America's Neo-Nazi Movement - And How I Got Out - TedX, by Christian Picciolini.

Read Fun Home for next Tuesday, Feb. 26. As you read, consider the hegemonic group or classification of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, et al.
Queer: the quality or trait marked as odd or strange; also any expression that can be labeled as contra (against), non (not), or anti (against) straight, heterosexual images, representation, etc.
As you read, consider how the book represents LGBTQ identity, and how the author's "memoir" is an effective "queer" (see definition above) representation. Check out the link below as well and read about queer critical theory and the author. Practice this critical lens as you read Bechdel's graphic novel.

Queer theory: Attempts to define, represent, and examine queer culture as a hegemonic group.
Be prepared to analyze and work with this graphic novel next class.

Alison Bechdel (interview/article)
Alison Bechdel: bio

HOMEWORK: Please read Fun Home. Continue writing your Atwood short story draft. 


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