Clash of the Titans: Conclusion

Image result for clash of the titans
Clash of the Titans (1981)--produced and designed by Ray Harryhausen. Directed by Desmond Davis. Starring: Laurence Olivier as Zeus, Maggie Smith as Thetis, Harry Hamlin as Perseus, and Burgess Meredith as Ammon.

Use mythic criticism to review (in writing or as a podcast or vlog post) Clash of the Titans. Take notes during the film to help you prepare your review.

Myth Criticism asks:
1. How does the story resemble other stories in plot, character, setting or use of symbols?
2. Are archetypes presented, such as quests, initiations, scapegoats, descending, or withdrawals and returns? [Use your handout/notes to help!]
3. Does the protagonist undergo any kind of transformation (such as movement from innocence to experience) that seems archetypal?
4. Are there any specific allusions to myths that shed light on the text? 

Read The Mahabharata: Chp 7 - 12. There will be a test on the book when you return from Thanksgiving Break. As you read, notice archetypes used and apply myth criticism to the text. See your notes for help.

1. Write an epic adventure or quest or heroic story. You may also like to make a comic book (6 Free Sites for Creating Your Comic Book) or use one of the storytelling programs to write a children's picture book, film, or story. Use the hero character you created as a start:

2. Finish The Mahabharata (chapters 7-12), India's greatest epic. Search for archetypes and note what you find. Use mythic criticism as a tool for your interpretation. There will be test on this when you return from Thanksgiving Break.

4. Write a poem that alludes to or involves a part of The Aeneid, The Iliad, or The Odyssey.

5. Write a review of the film Clash of the Titans. You may also create a podcast to review the film (work with up to 2 other students from this class), or you can create a vlog post review (record a video of your review and post it to Youtube, then send me the link.)

All assignments should be included in your portfolio for MP2.


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