Pinocchio (Day 2); The Trials of Herakles; The Male Hero Archetype

Pinnochio (1940), Disney.

The archetype of any "male" story involves a # of problems or trials that need to be overcome in order to become accepted by society or at least find love and respect. For boys, this cultural expectation can cause all sorts of harm--from inadequate feelings of inferiority to lack of self-esteem to misplaced violence and a rejection of his feelings.  Essentially, to become a real boy, a boy has to prove himself to others.

As you watch the film, take notes on how Pinnochio's journey toward self-actualization is a mythic journey of the self. Use Freud's theories we discussed. Identify and be able to explain how using psychoanalytical theory changes the way we approach the film. Consider:
  • Freud's stages of development
  • Freud's theory of the unconscious: The Id, Ego, Superego
  • The Pleasure Principle & the Reality Principle
  • The Oedipus and Electra complexes
  • Phallic/yonic symbols
  • Freudian disorders and Defenses
  • Dreams or wishes
Analyze and write about the film. 


What is a hero? What are the characteristics of a hero? Define them.
I asked you to read "The Trials of Herakles." Let's see what you remember:
  • How many trials did Herakles undergo? 
  • What were some of these trials?
  • What was your reaction to these tasks as you read about them?
  • Why did you react the way you did?
  • What is your opinion of masculinity or the male archetypical story?
  • Can you name other characters from fiction, films, tv shows, or comic books/graphic novels that are similar to Hercules? 
  • What Freudian elements might we discover in the story?
  • Can you define this archetypal story plot? What parts does the male archetypal story include?
  • The Labors of Hercules - 8 bit
Now for some analysis: Herakles/Hercules, Crash Course #30

We'll take a look at Hercules in Pop Culture next class.

Now, back to Freud and the archetype of the male journey.

HOMEWORK: Keep reading Dead Father's Club (pg. 200-226). As you read, apply Freudian analysis to our protagonist. What's going on in his head? Psychoanalyze him.


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