The Namesake (chapters 1-2 discussion); Writing Time: Day 2

Writing Task: Open your "How it feels to be me..." personal essay drafts. Take 20 minutes this morning to continue writing. [If you finish your draft, what details can you add to the narrative? How can you change/revise your sentences to be more active than passive with your voice?]

Then, let's go back to The Namesake. Jhumpa Lahiri on Writing. See my comments on the classwork you completed Monday. Let's discuss what we noticed as writers in chapter one.
  • What is a namesake?
  • Who is Jhumpa Lahiri?
  • Who is Nikolai Gogol?
  • Report of a train accident in India (2017)
  • What other events happened in 1968?
  • Plot?
  • Setting?
  • Character?
  • POV?
  • Conflict?
  • Theme?
  • Sentence structure?
  • How does the second chapter continue to develop the two main characters Ashoke and Ashima? What conflicts arise as a result of Gogol's birth? Examine & discuss the dichotomies--a division or contrast between two things--in this book and how they help develop characters/conflict/theme/setting/plot: a few sample dichotomies include:
    • Ashima/Ashoke
    • American culture/Indian culture
    • Father/Mother; Man/Woman; Parent/Child 
    • Freedom/Responsibility
  • In your notes, what do you already know about India/Indian culture?
  • What do you know about giving birth or having a baby? Have you ever been to a christening ceremony? Why do we place such expectations/importance on names in our culture?
2nd Writing Task:
Brainstorm a character. Put that character in a significant or life-changing situation (this does not have to be a life or death issue, but something that might change a person for the better or worse.) Write a draft of this event over the shoulder of your character. See Google classroom assignments for more details/directions/due dates.

Use the rest of your time this morning to write (choose either task) or work on your homework (see below).

HOMEWORK: Please continue reading The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. Complete the third chapter (pp. 48 - 71 Namesake). Consider: is the novel going where you expected it to go in regards to plot or character development? What themes or ideas seem to be most important to the author? What have you noticed about the characters or setting so far? What complications have occurred in the plot?

REMINDER: your "How It Feels to Be Me" drafts are due Friday with your Namesake creative "draft". Please have these copies/drafts with you Friday. We will be using them in class.


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