Portfolio Prep; Lone Ranger...Heaven; Caps & Gowns

Period 1:

Please work on your finishing touches for your portfolio. These are due March 28. What you need in your portfolio:

  • Writing reflection response (avoid vague pandering about the course and discuss YOUR writing)--what's missing from your curriculum, what is still giving you trouble in your writing, how have you grown or what's going on in your writing?
  • Revised work
  • A Brechtian play draft
  • A piece about race
Period 2: 

Please continue reading the short stories in The Lone Ranger & Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. Aim to complete the collection over the April break. 

At 8:30, Aspenleiter requests your attendance in the Ensemble theater to measure your caps/gowns for graduation.

HOMEWORK: Keep reading the collection of short stories. Aim to complete the book by or during Spring Break.


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