Portfolio Due; Smoke Signals (film)
While we will meet in the lab to prepare our portfolios, once you have completed your printing and turn in your portfolio, come down to the classroom to join us in our viewing of Smoke Signals (1998) directed by Chris Eyre; screenplay by Sherman Alexie. Remember to attach old drafts (particularly the ones I (or your peer group) marked up) to new drafts (new drafts on top!) It is better to turn in what drafts you have now, than turn in your entire portfolio later. But remember that late work is only one small part of your portfolio grade. The rubric is a general overall average based on class participation, behavior, writing quality, creativity, growth, and skill. Portfolios are due March 28. If you turn in your work after class (still on March 28 by 2:30--end of day) your work is not late. Print out copies of your drafts on your own--don't expect to email me and have me do your prep work. Take responsibility for your own work. Refer to the rubric for how your portf...