Catcher in the Rye Test/Discussion

LAB (Period 1):

Test Question: Psychological criticism examines literature through the theories presented in psychology to find meaning. Using the ideas from one of the psychologists we have been studying, apply the relevant theories of this psychologist to the book The Catcher in the Rye. Find 3 examples from the text that help define the narrator using psychological criticism and explain how the theories of your chosen psychologist help give meaning to the novel.

Remember to name the psychologist and cite the relevant examples from the text. You may use your notes and book for this test, but you only have until the end of period 1 to complete your work.

If you finish early, please continue working on your portfolio or workshop one of your peers' poems or stories in your peer-review folder.

Period 2:

We will continue our discussion of The Catcher in the Rye. With time remaining, we will begin our homework reading.

HOMEWORK: Please complete the following poems and stories from authors around the world. 


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