Portfolio Rubric
4 = Exemplary 3= Accomplished 2= Promising 1=Beginning 0=Failing Exemplary : Thoroughly and artistically developed and crafted characters, plot, structure, conflict, theme, and setting. Uses vivid description, effective diction and word choice, tone, voice, POV, imagery, and compelling characterization and/or dialogue throughout the portfolio. Uses a variety of effective literary devices (both poetic and rhetorical) that enhance the artistic quality of the work. Writing can be considered “art,” effectively communicating issues central to the human condition in a compelling and creative way. Titles are creative and compelling. Has very few errors in spelling punctuation, syntax, and usage. Sentence structure, syntax, and the overall effect of the work is artistic. The format is effective, carefully and correctly followed. Work includes evidence of several revised drafts that improve on earlier drafts, strengthening the quality of the writing. Work included in portfolio...