Identity: Discussions/Readings

Lab: 7:30 - 8:00

Please continue working on the following projects/drafts for your portfolio:
  • How it feels to be me reflective essay
  • Cultural poem(s)
  • Writing prompt creative responses (use the exercises/reading we've done in class to create a poem, short story, film, script, play, essay, speech, article, blog, podcast, etc.)
  • Identity poem responses (see the previous post for details)
  • Creative responses from the essays we read last class
  • Prepare for our discussion (see below)
More Prompt Ideas:
  • Choose a passage or line in the book you are reading. Do one of the following with it:
    • Steal up to 25 words from the passage. Rearrange and use the words (or forms of them) in a poem, short story, essay, script, etc.
    • Steal a line. Start something fresh using the line as an epigraph for your own/new story, poem, etc.
    • Write the next scene or the chapter that does not exist in the novel you are reading: for example: Write the story of Gogol's childhood, or Tin Jong's POV; or write a script/play about 2 characters who read this book and who meet accidentally
  • Write a creative essay about the important lessons/personal reflection you gleaned from reading this book so far
  • Write about identity and culture. Where do the two things intersect or clash?
8:00 & Period 2: Classroom

8:30 or 8:40: Discussion

Discuss you emotional barometer from the notes you took as homework after reading the comic "You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you" from the Oatmeal and watching the short video "Rebranding White Nationalism" from The Atlantic

Discuss The Joy Luck Club: chapters 3-12 or The Namesake: chapters 3-9. What cultural details are used by the author for characterization, diction, conflict, theme, setting, dialogue, or plot. Share your chosen passage that defines, describes, or details a cultural aspect used as any of these literary devices with your group.

HOMEWORK: Ongoing: Complete The Joy Luck Club or The Namesake by Friday, Sept. 29. Please bring your packets back to next class to complete the readings. Continue to write short summaries for your novel. Collect these summaries for your unit project on The Namesake/The Joy Luck Club.


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